Who I am.
I spent a lot of time growing up with my art, no matter the form it took. My father was military and we moved often, and whether it was on a plane, in a car, or even after we already arrived, its hard not to feel alone.
This feeling is what pushed me into creating. I was never alone when I was reading, I was adventuring with Frodo and the Fellowship, fighting alongside other kids for the freedom of Narnia, or solving a crime alongside Batman! Drawing and writing fell into the same escape. Art was a way to feel good about myself, but it became how I explored the life around me, I photographed nature, drew my friends, and wrote about what I wanted to become.
Now I’m looking to help other with their art, I had so much help and so many role models growing up to pursue what I wanted, so being able to repay even a fraction of that would be amazing! This led me to publishing, being apart of someone’s process to success through their art is something I take very seriously.