“Fiction is the truth inside the lie” -Stephen King
Writing is one of the main ways I deal with the reality around me, whether its a historical essay to understand the past or a short story to work through my own feelings. Every part of the process is important to me, writing doesn’t end in the first draft. Ink sings as words on paper, but the melody of the mind is found in editing.
Much of my time writing has been spent on fiction stories, its what captivated me to write stories into my composition notebooks as a kid. I’ve written short stories, scripts, and currently I am writing Alloy Soul a dystopian mecha novel.
I fell in love with nonfiction through academia, learning to use writing not to get ideas out of my head, but to uniquely tell the stories of real life people and events was something I had to learn. Since I fell for whats real I’ve spent time covering topics ranging from history with my essay on the fighting in Bastogne in WWII to Psychology with my paper on how the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower depicts real psychological phenomenon.
Editing is a complicated process in writing, consisting of many different technique and coming in many forms. This was one of my softer spots in writing so after graduation I took multiple certified editing and drafting courses offered by the University of Michigan to not only make me a much better editor, but a much better author.

Bastogne – The Cold of War
While overshadowed by events like D-day, VE day, and the attack on Pearl Harbor, This essay attempts to show an equally important event in the history of WWII, the capture and siege of Bastogne, Belguim. This Essay was written because of a personal interest, having visited the town on the anniversary of the event multiple times.

How Trauma Treats the Wallflower
The Movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower showcases a wide variety of troubled young people, this Essay looks through how the film, and lesser so the book, portrays these psychological troubles and asks if its portrayal is harmful to the perception of these troubles.

American Cinema’s Influence Over European Culture
Essay on how American Cinema has influenced, much for the worse, European culture by taking advantage of Europe’s shaken culture and bombarding them with false dreams of escapism.

Alloy Soul Chapter One
Chapter 1 of my in progress novel Alloy Soul. It is a future dystopia made to look like the modern day, but by who? and for what reason? and how do we find out?