It can be hard to write
To be entirely honest I’m mostly writing this piece just to keep myself in the habit of sitting down to write.
It’s been hard recently to make time in front of a word processor, and I don’t really know why. I haven’t undergone the same depression in any other part of my life, but with work, expectations, and other life events, I don’t spend what free time I have writing. I’ve tried, I’ve sat with Libre writer open, just watching the blinking cursor, and every time my hands go to the keyboard, its like I’ve forgotten what words are.
Honestly it can be kinda scary, I love writing, and I recently started a long term commitment to writing, one I hoped to be making progress on, but now I’m failing in that commitment.
I honestly don’t know what to do about it, I think I might take a little break from trying, like a week or two, and spend all that time reading, I’ve got a plenty large backlog of books, hopefully that’ll recharge the ol’ writing batteries.